03/09/2024 – Interview with Jörg Schmale, Director Kind + Jugend

“The novelty course is a must for everyone“

Kind + Jugend opens its doors today. In an interview with baby&junior, Jörg Schmale, Director Kind + Jugend, explains what exhibitors and visitors can expect in Cologne.


Jörg Schmale, Director Kind + Jugend, Koelnmesse. © Koelnmesse GmbH


baby&junior: Kind + Jugend opens its doors today. What highlights can trade visitors expect this year?

Jörg Schmale: As a business and trendsetting platform, Kind + Jugend is an annual highlight for the global baby and toddler industry. The leading international trade fair stands out as an unparalleled event bringing together industry and retail in Cologne – and this year it will feature a slightly bigger exhibition space. Innovation, creativity and progress have always played an important role at Kind + Jugend. That is why the festive Innovation Award ceremony on the first day of the trade fair is always special. An independent international panel of experts from the baby and toddler market will award outstanding product innovations in eight categories. A jury of midwives will also select three winners for the Midwives’ Choice award from all the nominated products. In the designated special exhibition area, trade visitors can explore all the award-winning and nominated products. This year we received 116 submissions, which is an impressive testament to the significance and prestige of this competition in the industry. Another highlight is our Trend Forum. As the main event stage of Kind + Jugend, it provides a platform for knowledge exchange on key topics and challenges in the industry. Both exhibitors and trade visitors can look forward to practical presentations and stimulating discussions.

baby&junior: New this year is the Novelties Trail. What can visitors expect to see?

Jörg Schmale: We are very pleased to celebrate the premiere of the Novelties Trail in Hall 11.1, which we are reopening for the first time since 2019. The Novelties Trail allows our exhibitors to prominently showcase their most important new offerings in a special area in addition to their regular trade fair stand. Only products that have been on the market for less than a year are eligible, ensuring that they were not exhibited at the previous Kind + Jugend. Retailers will get a concise overview of the most exciting and promising product innovations. It is a definite must-see for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.

baby&junior: Among the exhibitors are several market leaders that were not present at last year’s event. Has Kind + Jugend returned to its pre-pandemic level?

Jörg Schmale: We are particularly delighted to welcome back several prominent companies this year, including Artsana/Chicco, Cybex, Done by Deer, Jané and Puky. Their return is a clear indication of Kind + Jugend’s enduring appeal. The trade fair is essential for anyone seeking success in the industry. At nearly 1,000 exhibitors, we are also close to the pre-pandemic level of around 1,250 exhibitors. Even though many exhibitors have smaller stands due to rising costs in all areas, the main thing is that the major and well-known brands are back – and they most definitely are!

baby&junior: What trends do you see in the baby and toddler sector?

Jörg Schmale: This year has seen several significant trends emerging in the baby and toddler sector. Sustainability continues to be a key topic. Recycled materials are increasingly being used in the manufacture of different products, such as strollers, car seats, clothing, accessories and personal care items. Some companies even offer recycling and upcycling programmes, which allow customers to return their used products for reprocessing. Another key trend is towards multifunctional products for everyday use. There is a strong demand for combination systems, such as car seat, buggy and stroller in one. These complete solutions are not only practical, but often more cost-effective as well. In addition, the integration of smart technologies is becoming increasingly important. Innovative strollers come with powered assistance for pushing and built-in rocking mechanisms, which makes life easier for parents. We are also seeing more manufacturers develop practical solutions for everyday life with products that prioritise the needs of customers. This customer-centric approach enables them to create innovative and valuable products that meet real-life challenges.

baby&junior: And what are you most looking forward to this year?

Jörg Schmale: Kind + Jugend thrives on personal interactions and direct exchange. This is what I especially look forward to every year. The upcoming edition will feature a new networking zone that will provide exhibitors and visitors more space and opportunities to talk about industry developments and forge business connections in a relaxed setting. I am very eager to see how the new schedule from Tuesday to Thursday will be received. We have responded to the feedback provided by the industry and implemented the necessary changes. My personal highlight is the After Seven exhibitor party, which will be held for the first time at Dock2, an old factory building near the fair grounds. The unique setting is perfect for rounding off the second day of the trade fair with a refreshing Kölsch and excellent food. However, due to space limitations, the party is only open to exhibitors.